BIGG Conference - June 23-24, 2022

Ideas for a better future.

Many thinkers, one goal: Better and more sustainable solutions for the construction and real estate industry.

Die Welt ist im Wandel. Wie die Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft den Sprung in eine nachhaltigere Zukunft meistern kann, und welche Errungenschaften noch bevor stehen und bereits gemeistert wurden, darüber referieren und diskutieren ausgewählte Branchenexperten und Top-Speaker am 23.-24.06.2022 auf der BIGG Change Conference.

Bigg Change Conference

The speakers

Prof. Carlo Ratti

Trained as an architect and engineer, Professor Carlo Ratti teaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Ratti was named to Esquire Magazine's "Best & Brightest" list and Thames & Hudson's selection of "60 Innovators Shaping Our Creative Future." Blueprint Magazine named him one of the "25 People Who Will Change the World of Design," Forbes listed him as one of the "Names You Need To Know," and Fast Company named him one of the "50 Most Influential Designers in America."

Parag Khanna

Parag Khanna is a leading global strategist, world traveler and best-selling author. He is the founder and Managing Partner of FutureMap, a data and scenario-based strategic consulting firm. Parag was named one of the "75 einflussiest people of the 21st century" by Esquire and listed in WIRED magazine's "Smart List." He holds a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and bachelor's and master's degrees from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service.

Eric Corey Freed

Eric Corey Freed - award-winning architect, author and global speaker. For two decades he was founding director of organicARCHITECT, a visionary design leader in biophilic and regenerative design. Eric is the author of twelve books, including Green Building & Remodeling for Dummies. In 2012, he was named one of the 25 "Best Green Architecture Firms" in the U.S. and one of the "Top 10 Most Influential Green Architects."

Dr. Michael Kopatz

Dr. Michael Kopatz, environmental scientist and book author, is scientific project manager at the Wuppertal Institute, research group "Energy, Transport and Climate Policy". Fields of work: Municipal climate protection, energy poverty, work and sustainability, sustainable lifestyles, transformation research, sustainable economic development. His work also includes the book projects "Zukunftsfähiges Deutschland", "Zukunftsfähiges Hamburg", or "Energiewende. But fair!

Bettina Zerza

Bettina Zerza is an architect and founder of ZERZA, a global architecture practice that focuses, among other things, on how data and smart systems are changing our cities and how autonomous buildings can contribute to a sustainable future. Bettina Zerza studied architecture at the TU Graz, Austria and at the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture, The Cooper Union, New York. Her work has won international awards and been shown in numerous exhibitions, including the Museum of the City of New York; New Museum, New York; MAK Vienna; Kulturforum, Berlin; and the Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism Hong Kong.

Dr. Anna Braune

Since September 2015, Anna Braune has headed the research and development department of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB e.V.). Her tasks include the technical further development and updating of the "DGNB Certification System", which sets incentives for more sustainability for neighborhoods and buildings. She is responsible for research projects, supports the professional communication of the association and works actively with her own and in external committees on the transformation to a sustainable construction and real estate sector.

Heinz J. Bernegger

Heinz J. Bernegger works at the ZHAW as a lecturer Life Cycle Management Real Estate and consultant in the fields of FM-appropriate planning and realization, sustainable real estate management as well as BIM and sustainability. His special knowledge focuses not only on sustainable architecture and urban planning but also on the following: Planning and Construction Process Management, Sustainability Consulting, Competition Support Sustainability in Architectural Competitions, Sustainable Construction, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Resilience of Buildings and Sites, Smart Site Management, etc.

Thorsten Sperlich

As Leader Global Environmental Communications, Thorsten Sperlich has been responsible for global environmental communications at the Japanese LIXIL Group, which includes the GROHE brand, since October 1, 2021. From 2017 to 2021, he headed the communications department at bathroom and sanitaryware manufacturer GROHE as Chief Communications Officer and Leader Communications & Corporate Responsiblity LIXIL EMENA. Prior to that, he was Managing Director at Ketchum Pleon. Before that, the trained communications scientist was Head of Brand PR at Coca-Cola Germany.

Sun Jensch

Sun Jensch has worked in the real estate industry for 25 years. She knows the industry - from project management and development, asset management to political advocacy. Since 2006, in the top real estate industry associations, where she has led political communications and association management. Her in-depth experience ranges from state to federal political levels. Among others, she was managing director at ZIA Zentralen Immobilien Ausschuss e.V. and ZIA Akademie. In the fall of 2021, she founded KOALITION für HOLZBAU.

Karolina Attspodina

Karolina Attspondina is co-founder of WeDoSolar, a renewable energy company focused on smart solar systems for balconies, with the goal of reducing CO₂ emissions in Europe to reach the "net zero" target by 2035. Her background is in sales and marketing of technology products and their internationalization to new markets. She is an active supporter of GreenTech startups and impact investments that help our society to develop more sustainably in the future.

Leopold Spenner

Leopold Spenner is co-founder and CEO of alcemy, the Berlin-based start-up for a more climate-friendly concrete and cement industry. He grew up in a family that is already the fourth generation to run cement and concrete plants. Spenner studied industrial engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). During his research work at the German Cement Association and his involvement in two building materials projects at the Boston Consulting Group, he got to know the industry even better before founding alcemy together with Dr. Robert Meyer in 2018.

Daniel Girl

Daniel-Jan Girl is President of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry and has been a member of the General Assembly since 2004 and a member of the Executive Committee since 2017. After his training as a businessman in the real estate and housing industry, he founded the advantage system "partycard©" in 2001, "berlincard" in 2004 and since 2005 until today he is founder and managing partner of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für multimediale Kundenbindungssysteme mbH (DGMK mbH). He is also Chairman of the IHK Committee for Digital Economy and a member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce.

Tom Leppin

Tom Leppin has many years of experience in the real estate industry as a businessman, project developer, and IT and software specialist. Early in his career, he implemented large-scale IT projects and worked as an independent consultant for well-known real estate investors and project developers. In his mid-twenties, Tom Leppin founded his first own company, Carnaby Capital GmbH, with the goal of building Germany's first digital student residence in Berlin. The Carnaby Living House Berlin opened in October 2018 in Berlin Oberschöneweide at the campus of the HTW.

Björn Leffler

Björn Leffler, 39, is the founder of the online portal "Entwicklungsstadt Berlin", which deals with the structural, cultural, ecological and social development of Berlin. In addition to being the publisher and editor-in-chief of Entwicklungsstadt Berlin, Björn Leffler works as a freelance author for other Berlin online portals and is responsible for managing the marketing and communications department of a Berlin IT services company.

Benjamin Stocksiefen

Benjamin Stocksiefen is a master carpenter and managing director of Holzbau Stocksiefen GmbH in Niederkassel and already represents the fourth generation of the multi-award-winning family business from the Rhineland. In 2019, he published his first book, "Die Feels Wood Story" (The Feels Wood Story), and in 2020 he and his team launched their own YouTube channel all about wood and wood construction. His customers and listeners love his authentic cordiality and the lived joy of wood. Every day, his team and he help people build natural living spaces out of wood.

Kathrin Albrecht

"We're on it! ... and talk about it." As an interior designer with a Master's degree in Communication & Leadership, Kathrin Albrecht works wherever architecture and construction need to be communicated. After 18 years in communication responsibility of planning offices, she founded the strategy consultancy BAUKUNST.PLUS in 2020. Kathrin Albrecht and her team thus follow the conviction that architecture, attitude and communication cannot be separated from each other and inspire the assumption of responsibility - more important than ever in the construction world.

Petra Ronzani

Petra Ronzani is a communicator, sustainability manager and mediator. She understands how to connote transformation processes in a positive way and is an expert in communication in times of transition. Her focus is on mediation in the overarching sense - between people, hierarchies, between today and tomorrow. After almost 15 years as a leader in institutions such as Haus der Kunst Munich, Bayerische Staatsoper, the Berlin Volksbühne or HENN, she founded Detektei Ronzani in 2021 and accompanies institutions and companies in transformation.

David Jacob Huber

David Huber has an eventful history. He is a trained salesman and passionate networker. In various professional positions, he has always been involved in B2B sales and learned early on how to build and expand networks and successfully implement projects with his partners. For ten years, he has held a responsible position at BFW Niedersachsen/Bremen e.V. and represents the interests of private medium-sized real estate companies, property developers and project developers vis-à-vis politicians and administrators in the states of Lower Saxony and Bremen.

Ralf Schmidt-Pleschka

Ralf Schmidt-Pleschka is coordinator for energy and climate policy at LichtBlick SE. His professional career began over 30 years ago in the Enquete Commission "Precautions for the Protection of the Earth's Atmosphere". Since then, he has remained true to climate protection and has worked, among other things, as the energy spokesman for the Green Party's parliamentary group in the Bundestag.

Ruth Prinzmeier

Ruth Prinzmeier is Sustainability Manager DACH at Interface, a sustainability pioneer for CO₂-neutral modular flooring. In her various professional positions, she transferred strategic concepts into day-to-day business as a project manager and advanced change processes. As a business graduate and sustainability manager, she is committed to sustainable corporate development. In her role at Interface since 2022, she supports builders, architects and planners in their sustainable building projects.

Benedict Scholler

Benedikt Scholler is an expert in sustainability, ESG, energy and integral consulting. After his studies in environmental engineering in Bayreuth and Dublin, the trained graduate engineer has worked for the past 15 years at various consulting and planning companies specialized in the real estate industry. Since February 2022 he is a member of the management of pom+Germany. He is a DGNB auditor, ambassador of the Coalition for Timber Construction and member of the board of trustees "Werkstadtforum City West Berlin".

Gudrun Sack

Gudrun Sack is managing director of Tegel Projekt GmbH in Berlin. Her focus is on sustainable planning and building, the anchoring of qualities and new standards in construction, and the implementation of forward-looking and at the same time practicable urban development solutions. Among other things, she was a member of the board of the Berlin Chamber of Architects as well as of the Netzwerk Berliner Baugruppen Architekten and is a member of the working group on housing at the BDA - Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten. After studying architecture at the TU Berlin and the HfAK Vienna, Gudrun Sack began her professional career with Norman Foster.

Dr. Rut Herten-Koch

Rut Herten-Koch advises both the public sector and its companies as well as private owners, investors, project developers and bidders in public procurement procedures. She has extensive experience in accompanying and structuring complex procedures - be it in construction planning or public procurement law. In addition, Rut Herten-Koch represents her clients before the public procurement review bodies and the administrative courts. She has been working as a lawyer in the field of public law and public procurement law in Berlin since 2002. Rut Herten-Koch joined Luther as a partner in July 2015.

Thomas Hübner

After completing his apprenticeship as a carpenter in Munich, Thomas Hübner studied wood technology in Rosenheim and business administration in evening classes in Nuremberg. As a development engineer at LUXHAUS, he was largely responsible for the introduction of serial production of wall elements in large panel construction in combination with wood soft fiber insulation materials, which he further refined at FischerHaus as technical manager and authorized signatory. In 2013, he moved to the company Bien-Zenker, one of the leading prefabricated house manufacturers in Europe, and was responsible for the business area order processing and construction site management.

Martin Fröhlich

Since the founding of AFF Architekten in 2000, Martin Fröhlich, together with his office partners and colleagues, has been committed to a circular culture of resources. The office has received several awards for its work. Martin Fröhlich has been conducting research for eight years at EPFL in Lausanne with students and doctoral candidates on topics such as re-use and component tracking. In 2020, the associated studies were presented at the Swiss Biennale of the Territory under the title "Rather Than" in Lugano.

Johannes Clear

As an investor and project developer, Johannes Klar is passionate about creating social microcosms in changing times. This includes sophisticatedly designed and modularly conceived buildings with flexible apartment layouts as well as the -straining- constant questioning of outdated thought processes in times of digitalization, shortage of skilled workers and cost uncertainty. The results are, firstly, multi-family houses made of wood that radiate joie de vivre instead of being mere dwellings and, secondly, a team that has set out to support the digital transformation.

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Teichmann

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Teichmann is founder and managing director of G.tecz, a service provider for concrete optimization, concrete development and concept development of special production plants, Brevolith Unternehmergesellschaft, a sales office for UHPC (concrete production technologies) and founder of Teichmann Zimmermann Holding, a technology partner for investment projects based on cementitious building materials. His areas of expertise are concrete research, process optimization and holistic consulting around concrete. Specialized in concrete optimization and development of ultra-high performance concrete.

Oliver Hagedorn

Born in Zurich in 1966, the Berliner by choice has been involved with business and capital investment since his youth. He founded his first company at 15 and has been active as an entrepreneur ever since. As an entrepreneur, he has incubated and founded several companies. Among others, he is co-founder of Brückenköpfe, a leading think and action factory in the healthcare market. In 1999, he founded the asset management company avesco. Hagedorn committed himself to the topic of sustainable finance at an early stage. In 2011, he led avesco's transformation into a specialized asset manager for sustainability.

Uta Weiß

Uta Weiß is program manager for buildings and heating networks at Agora Energiewende. She works on the transformation of the building sector and heat grids to a climate-neutral heat supply. Before joining Agora, Uta worked for more than 12 years at the ifeu Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg and at the German Energy Agency (dena). There she led a variety of projects and studies on energy efficiency and heat transition. In particular, she advised government agencies on the design of policy instruments to achieve climate neutrality.

Frederik Ecke

Frederik Ecke (M.Sc. in Architecture Design Research, University of Kassel) has been working as a research assistant and lecturer at the research platform Bau Kunst Erfinden/University of Kassel since 2015. His research includes the functionalization of building materials with a focus on building-integrated photovoltaics. He dedicates a part of his work to the knowledge transfer of his research content. In addition, he regularly conceives and organizes trade fair appearances, exhibitions, workshops, architecture and art lectures with Bau Kunst Erfinden.

Robert Patzschke

The Patzschke architectural office has been established on the Berlin and German market for over 50 years. For several decades, the office and its approximately 55 employees have been committed to a more livable and humane architecture. Robert Patzschke took over the management in 2002, before that he studied in London and Berlin. Between 2005 and 2014, he founded and managed a branch office in India. He is active on the board of the AIV - Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin und Brandenburg.

Samira Jama Aden

Samira is an architect and design researcher working at the interface of art, architecture and new technologies at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB). As an architect, she developed innovative, multifunctional building materials for architecture and construction. At the same time, she researched and taught in the field of solar activation of building materials at the Bau Kunst Erfinden research platform at the University of Kassel and at the ARC Australia Center of Excellence in Exciton Science. Her work combines the principles of renewable energy, architecture, cultural values and material design with the aesthetic requirements of future buildings.

Prof. Xaver Egger

Xaver Egger is in practice under the office name Sehw, which stands for the founders Martin Schreiber, Xaver Egger, Andreas Horlitz and Christoph Winkler. Founded in 1996, Sehw is now a registered trademark. In addition to its original architectural work, Sehw is active in the fields of general planning and project development. The main focus is on buildings of public use, mostly as a result of preliminary architectural competitions, as well as modern working environments and residential buildings for private commercial clients, investors and developers. Several of Sehw's projects have been awarded architectural prizes.

Steffen Mechter

Steffen Mechter is a civil engineer as well as a trained bricklayer and reinforced concrete builder with several years of professional experience in construction and project management.Since 2008, he has held various positions at BayWa AG in Munich and has been Head of the Construction Business Unit since 2021. Since 2018, he has been Managing Director of BayWa Projekt GmbH and is also a registered energy efficiency expert.

Robert Lotz

Robert Lotz studied business administration, is an engineer and architect at Nassauische Heimstätte Wohnstadt (NHW) and is the department head for modernization and major refurbishment. NHW is the largest housing and development company in Hesse, headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. It owns more than 65,000 apartments and aims to provide affordable housing for broad sections of the population. Its tasks include the development of neighborhoods and portfolios - as well as their expansion through additions.

Philipp Utz

Philipp Utz is a member of the Executive Board of Uzin Utz AG (responsible for Corporate Development, Sales, Marketing, Purchasing, Logistics, IT) - a leading developer and manufacturer of construction chemicals and machinery for screeds, floors, tiles and parquet. After studying business administration in Regensburg, he initially worked as a consultant for three years before joining his family's company in 2011. After a number of internal positions, such as Managing Director of the American subsidiary and of the in-house Pallmann brand, Philipp Utz joined the Management Board of the AG in 2018.

Vanja Schneider

Vanja Schneider, Civil Engineer, Dipl. Wirtschaftsingenieur has been working exclusively in real estate project development since 1991, predominantly with management responsibility. From 2003 until the end of 2019 he was managing director of INTERBODEN and since the beginning of 2020 he is a founding member and managing partner of MORINGA GmbH (an associated company of Aachener Landmarken AG). With his 30 years of holistic project development experience, 7 of which have now been in the field of circular construction, he has already made a big difference in the industry.

Dr. Stefan Franzke

His studies were followed by a position with Dr. Stefan Franzke as managing director at the Institute for Integrated Production in Hanover. As head of the Lower Saxony Innovation Center from 2003, he deepened his know-how in strategic consulting on innovations and key technologies and advised international investors on settling in the state. In addition, as managing director of Innovatives Niedersachsen, he was responsible for the state's national and international marketing from 2006. Since July 1, 2014, Dr. Stefan Franzke has been Managing Director at Berlin Partner for Business and Technology.

Udo Schramek

Udo Schramek is the founder and CEO of STEICO SE, the world market leader for ecological wood fiber insulation materials. Since its founding in 1986, he has shaped the company from a 1.5-person operation into one of the 1,000 fastest-growing companies in the world with currently around 2,000 employees. Innovation and climate protection have always been the pillars of success. In addition to its core business of ecological insulating materials, STEICO manufactures innovative timber load-bearing structures and thus offers an integrated construction system with which almost the entire building envelope of a timber building can be created.

Oliver Queck

Oliver Queck is a geologist with extensive experience in the mining industry, particularly in the extraction of aggregates for the construction industry. He has held various roles (mainly quality and product related) in the industry, both in Norway and Germany. He is Director of Operations for Germany and responsible for the implementation of ORIS in Germany as the first country worldwide. His goal is to use and reuse natural resources in the smartest and most sustainable way. In his spare time, Oliver enjoys sports and beekeeping.

Dominic Campanella

Dominik Campanella is the co-founder of Concular, the ecosystem for circular building, and restado, the largest marketplace for reclaimed building materials. Before founding the company, he studied computer science and business administration and worked at Google for several years. He is a member of various advisory boards such as the Leadership Group for Circular Construction of the EU Commission and the Advisory Board for Circular Construction of the DGNB.

Jerome Lange

Jerome Lange is the founder and CEO of koppla. In April 2020, he founded koppla as a spin-off of the Hasso Plattner Institute with two friends in Potsdam. Meanwhile, koppla employs over 20 people and is working on construction sites with some of the largest construction companies in the DACH region, such as MBN. Before joining koppla, Jerome studied economics and politics and has worked in several technology startups in Berlin as well as in the Blockchain Lab of GIZ in Nigeria.

Lorenz Nagel

After studying architecture at RWTH Aachen University, Lorenz Nagel worked for "Eike Becker Architekten" in Berlin. In 2020, he joined the family project development company PRIMUS developments, where he managed the LUISE project, a timber hybrid building for the German Bundestag. In addition to his work as a project developer, Lorenz Nagel is an ambassador for the "Coalition for Timber Construction", promoting sustainable construction with wood.

Marcel Kaupmann

Marcel Kaupmann is responsible for the digitalization and engineering departments at the German Federal Chamber of Engineers. As a graduate civil engineer, he previously worked for several years in various engineering offices, where he gained a wide range of experience as a structural engineer in structural engineering and civil engineering projects. Currently, he is working on topics at the Federal Chamber of Engineers that increasingly need to be thought of together. Sustainability, building in the existing fabric, recycling management, the life cycle of buildings and mobility issues are the challenges facing the construction industry in the coming years.

Dr. Jan Wenker

Dr. Jan Wenker is a trained carpenter and subsequently studied wood economics (B. Sc. and M. Sc. degrees) at the University of Hamburg with a focus on wood physics, wood-based materials and process engineering. After completing his doctorate at the Technical University of Munich on the life cycle assessment of complex wood products, he joined Brüninghoff in 2017. Here, as Head of Department for Product Development & Innovation, he deals with systems for intelligent hybrid construction as well as the development and implementation of concepts for sustainable and recyclable buildings and construction processes.

Gregor Prass

As a structural engineer and Hamburg Jung, Gregor Prass has been known for his visionary approaches in the renewable energy industry for over 20 years. In 2006, his fascination with towers for wind turbines made of wood sparked. In 2008, together with Holger Giebel, he founded TimberTower GmbH and since 2012, the world's first and only multi-megawatt wind turbine with a wooden tower has been generating electricity in Hanover. This was followed by the founding of a company involved in the construction of rotor blades made of wood for wind turbines and the founding of today's Smart & Green Anker Foundations GmbH.

Denis Üstün

Denis Üstün is the founder and managing director of difucon GmbH, a startup from the ConTech sector that has made it its mission to make the digitalization of the construction industry accessible to everyone and to drive it forward. As an industrial engineer, he places particular focus on digital interdisciplinary collaboration in the construction process and increasing productivity in the individual process chains. He is also actively involved in the creation of an ecosystem for startups in the ConTech sector via the Federal Association of Digital Construction.

Ben Melcher

Benjamin Melcher (43, lawyer) has over 12 years of experience in the development of large-scale urban projects and is currently Head of Development and Projects, managing the project development of Siemensstadt Square for Siemens AG.

Tina Snedker Kristensen

Tina Snedker Kristensen is Head of Sustainability and Communications at Troldtekt A/S, a Danish manufacturer of acoustic panels made of wood and cement. Since May 1, 2022, Troldtekt A/S has been part of the Irish Kingspan Group. With a long experience from the construction and wood industry, a Graduate Diploma in Foreign Trade (HDU) education as well as an Executive Master in Corporate Communication (EMCC) from Aarhus BSS, Tina started at Troldtekt A/S in 1998 and has been responsible for the marketing and communication of Troldtekt A/S for 18 years and of the German NL Troldtekt GmbH since 2015.

Ralf Greiner

Ralf Greiner is European Manager Product Application at Guardian Glass Europe. He joined Guardian in 1996 and was initially responsible for application engineering and technical marketing at Guardian's German plant in Thalheim/Saxony-Anhalt. Ralf was born in Ilmenau/Germany in 1966 and graduated from the TU Bergakademie Freiberg in 1993 in the field of materials science - glass and ceramics.

Volker Knieß

Volker Knieß has been working in the flooring industry for 25 years. As Key Account Manager of WINEO, he focuses on the hospitality and retail segments. His drive: to make the world easier and more livable with healthy and sustainable flooring solutions. Sustainable building is not an option in our time, but a responsibility that every builder has to face. All products from WINEO are characterized by their high quality and durability. WINEO develops sustainable flooring solutions by replacing synthetic raw materials with natural materials.

Ulli Häseler

Ulli Häseler is authorized signatory and key account manager at bito ag. In this role, he has driven the market launch of the first Cradle to Cradle certified interior wall system made of filler and paint. The network of manufacturers of C2C building products available in Germany, which he set up, highlights the current state of the circular economy in the construction industry in publications and events.

Volker Weber

A graduate in business administration, he has been active in the field of "sustainable finance" for over 20 years and is a proven sustainability expert with a very good reputation in civil society and the financial sector. In September 2007, Volker Weber took over the chairmanship of the Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen/FNG. During his tenure as FNG Chairman, the Transparency Code, the FNG Sustainability Profiles and the FNG Seal, among others, were launched. Meanwhile, the FNG seal in particular is recognized as the German SRI seal.

Dr. Lars Molter

As a doctor of naval architecture, Dr. Lars Molter worked in the field of maritime research and development. Especially with regard to lightweight construction and resource efficiency, he designed and led several European research activities in the field of shipbuilding. After more than ten years in the maritime field, Dr. Lars Molter founded Hyconnect GmbH as a spin-off. With Nico Rosberg, among others, as an investor, the company brings fasteners to the market to enable new lightweight designs.

Roland Riethmüller

Roland Riethmüller is the founder and editor-in-chief of, the digital entrepreneur magazine for the construction industry. With his IT background and passion for content, he manages to promote digitization in the construction industry. Since 2019, Roland Riethmüller is also Founder and CEO of the open innovation platform BEYONDBRICKS, which connects the traditional construction industry with innovative ConstructionTech startups with the help of the startup fair TECH IN CONSTRUCTION. In addition, Roland Riethmüller has been Chairman of the Board of the Federal Association of Digital Construction (BDBau) since 2020.

Peter Helfer

Peter Helfer, Managing Director of KOHPA GmbH and papermaker by profession, worked as a production manager for one of the world's leading paper producers and as a sales engineer in the supply industry until he finally became an independent entrepreneur in the field of security paper and printing in 2014. In 2021 he founded KOHPA GmbH.

Marco Mattheis

Marco Mattheis als Diplomingenieur der Elektrotechnik ist der Gründer und Geschäftsführer der T3-Engineering GmbH sowie der Smart & Green Energy Solutions GmbH. Als Experte für Energieerzeugungs- und Speicherungssysteme befasst er sich mit der Planung und Ausführung Wärmeerzeugern und Speichern im Umfeld der Erneuerbaren Energien. Seine Schwerpunkte sind Biogas BHKWs, sowie Entwicklung und Implementierung von innovativen und nachhaltigen Speichersystemen für elektrische und thermische Energie. Er wurde 2021 für den Green BIM Award im Bereich Erhaltung und Instandsetzung nominiert und hat den 2. Platz belegt.

Florian Frey

Florian is Co-Founder and Managing Director of allmyhomes and responsible for customer engagement, software development and sales partners via the platform. As a passionate entrepreneur, he has been driving the development of mobile software solutions for the real estate industry for years. Florian studied computer science in Berlin and before allmyhomes he already founded the company SmartExposé, which he successfully sold.

Daniel Riedel

Daniel Riedel is an entrepreneur with a passion for the well-being of humanity. Over the past decade, he has focused on building large secure platforms and businesses. His current focus is on data governance, privacy, and cross-border data sharing, especially where technology and users interact. He helps companies turn data into phenomenal customer experiences (CX) and employee experiences (EX) that will be critical to changing the planet for this generation of people.

Alexander Happ

Alexander Happ learned project development from the bottom up in a family-owned property development company. Further stations led him from neighborhood and location developer to property developer with a living environment claim. With the establishment of BUWOG Bauträger, since its takeover by VONOVIA SE one of Germany's largest housing developers, Happ was particularly concerned with the sustainability requirements for housing construction: how do we contribute to society, through product, price and in the construction process. In 2019, he founded ASSIDUUS Development GmbH together with Robert Gierth and IDEAL Versicherung a.G.

Bernd Oswald

Bernd Oswald is Co-Founder of the PropTech company GROPYUS and heads the Business Development and M&A departments. He has been dedicated to wood as a material from the very beginning. The mechanical engineer and lawyer has extensive experience and know-how in the wood construction industry. For example, he was "Division Manager Technology" at Mayr-Melnhof Holz Holding AG. Afterwards he was managing director of KLH Massivholz GmbH and responsible for the production of sustainable building elements made of wood and. Before GROPYUS, Bernd Oswald was COO at CREE, a timber hybrid construction specialist.

The moderators

Felix Jansen

Felix Jansen has been with the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) since 2015. At Europe's largest network for sustainable construction, he is responsible for the PR, communications and marketing department. Previously, the communications and media scientist was responsible for communications at numerous companies and organizations, including the international start-up initiative CODE_n, the GFT Group, the SimTech cluster of excellence at the University of Stuttgart, and MFG Baden-Württemberg.

Carolin Matzko

Caro Matzko is an author ("Size Egal" published by Lübbe), podcaster, journalist and presenter for Bayerischer Rundfunk, among others. Previously, she worked for 9 years as a reporter for the knowledge format "Xenius" at arte. She lives in Munich, is married and has a daughter. In 2022, she participated as a delegate of the SPD at the Federal Assembly.

Carmen Franke

The Berlin presenter and engineer Carmen Franke is over 20 years with heart and soul on stage and in front of the camera. With her confident, likeable manner, she presents gala events, show premieres, incentives, congresses, trade fairs, but also talk shows and TV magazines. The graduate civil engineer feels equally at home with construction topics as with fashion, lifestyle, sports, cooking, finance or health. Since 1998 she has been managing director of the company Glück & Franke Fenster Rolladen Technik Vertriebs GmbH and a member of the public relations committee of the Bundesverband Rollladen Sonnenschutz.

Conference Schedule

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